Monday, January 31, 2011

New Life

You stare at me while I sleep,
A new life beating inside me,
A queer silence and a heavy breath,
Make it all more worth while.
.. ..
You sweep the hair from my face,
And an unconscious mumble
Breaks the silence.
I open my eyes and a smile awakens me,
Along with the warm presence of your lips on my cheek.
.. ..
The curtains are drawn,
With Only a stream of light peeking through the top.
A light breeze flows against the skirt of the curtains,
Lighting up the room in spurts.
.. ..
I notice a sharp twinkle in your eyes,
From that golden brown light,
But the room; still dimly lit,
Leaves a grey hue on your face.
.. ..
You lie next to me, sliding your hand on my stomach,
A half wicked smile appearing across your face,
The bump emerging slightly,
Your hand caressing the top,
And the realisation of an unborn being.
.. ..
A new life in a different world,
Feeding off love and touch,
Depending on another for support.
I turn to you with a worried look,
A look of concern and fear,
But you just smile comfortingly
And deafen the worry inside.

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